January 27, 2010

Top Reader Posts - January 27

  • Katie from Kitchen Stewardship provides some great Quick Tips for Keeping a Clean Kitchen.
  • Just a Girl, Chris, has some idea on ways to Make Life Easier. Would you have thought to use an old soup can (not decorated mind you) as a pencil holder?
  • These Do it Yourself Craft Yarn Wrapped Frames shared by Kate at Centsational Girl are yet another example of how something as simple as a frame can be personalized and used in many ways to make unique wall art.
  • Over at Life as Mom, Jessica shares her sad story of a dead freezer in her A Freezer Alarm Could Save Your Bacon post.
  • If you are renter that wants to spice things up without breaching your rental agreement, Wendy over at The Shabby Nest has a great idea for Gift Wrapping Your Walls. Take some time to look at her ideas. (She moved into a rental the first part of January so many of the ideas prior to that were for a home they owned.)
  • To end on a funny note, you need to go check out the Sleep Talkin' Man blog. Karen maintains the blog and says this, "My mild-mannered English husband Adam lives quite a colorful existence in his dreams. Having benefited from hours of delight at his dead-of-night musings, I thought it only fair to share them with the world." Here are just a few that made me laugh:
    • "Babies don't bounce. They don't bounce! Shame. It'd be much more fun if they bounce."
    • "I think you should sit down. Surely your ankles can't take the weight."
    • "Tick tock tick tock... Everybody's waiting. It's time for me to shine."
    • "So many little people. Pet them on the head. pet pet pet pet pet...."
    • "I like the balloons. I want one. If I don't get one, I'm gonna squeeze one out right here, right now.... I warned you!"

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