April 3, 2012

WLB - Week 4 - Post 2 (Food)

Originally posted on my Win, Lose, or Blog blog when I was a Win, Lose, or Blog season seven contestant.

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From my post a couple days ago I don't want you to think I worry about food all of the time. I actually worry about it less now than I did previously. I am not to the "I don't live to eat, I eat to live" stage but I can't say I really want to get there. I enjoy food. I think it is perfectly fine to enjoy food. I am now better at enjoying food in moderation. Sometimes I don't do as well as I could/should but I don't let it keep me down.

The longer I am at this the easier it gets UNLESS I slack off. It is such a slippery slope to fall back into the old habits. It is so easy to make excuses "Well, it is my anniversary and I didn't eat bad on my birthday or Valentine's day sooo. . ." or "I towed the line the last time I ate here this time I can go out of the lines. . ." I am not saying that I can't/don't treat myself sometimes I just try to make sure I don't do it very often. I do the best I can and pick up and carry on if I falter.

I realize I am lucky with regard to my food options. I don't have any food allergies and I like most fruits and vegetables (most food items in general). I know there are people who struggle with eating certain food groups because they don't like them or they have an allergy to them and the extra modifications that are required can sometimes be the disconnect between wanting to eat better and actually doing it. If you want to change the way you eat but have those restrictions, ask your friends, search online, just do whatever you can to make little changes that can progress into bigger changes.

One thing I truly believe in is that if you don't like a food item, make sure you try it periodically to see if your tastes have changed. (Your taste buds literally change every 7 to 10 years.) A lot of times the preparation of the item can be the magical difference. For example, I know several people who disliked Brussels sprouts. Those same people described them as mushy. I then shared with them how we prepare Brussels sprouts at our house (steamed with a little kosher salt and sometimes tossed with Italian dressing and Parmesan cheese) and they are never mushy. (Another great way to cook them is to toss them with a little olive oil and roast them in the oven.) Those same people now like Brussels sprouts. I have surprised my husband with various items cooked different from what he was use to. He dislikes sweet non-dessert items such as glazed carrots or butternut squash with brown sugar. So I have added thyme and onion to the grilled carrots and curry to butternut squash and he enjoyed both of those. **The key is to not tell them what is in there until they comment about how delicious the food is. This works especially well with children.**

This quote sort of fits with the second paragraph but the quote above was more profound. But I think this quote is sadly true but still hilarious so I had to share it.

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